Self Love Revolution
Your FREE guide to transforming your self-love thoughts.
It’s Viral AF
Pure happiness begins with self-love. Yet most of us walk around believing we're broken, not good enough, and unconsciously blurt out things like, "if only I could have her hair/butt/waist/nose/eyes/boobs/etc."
I can so relate. Three years ago, all of those things were me (and truly, some days I still beat myself up and have negative thoughts). I used to think that if I could only be "skinny," then I would feel better about myself. Or if I could only have abs, then I would feel confident and my life would be SO MUCH EASIER.
Hate to break it to you...unless you get to the bottom of your thoughts around being ENOUGH, then skinny and abs or anything else you think you really want won't numb the real need for long, if at all.
So what did I do to make a shift?
I sought out a MASSIVE amount of personal growth. Like...relentless amount. And here's what happened:
I recognized my PATTERNS. Through leadership courses, I was given to the tools to see that throughout my life, I subconsciously developed survival thoughts in reaction to a negative experience. You see, our brain reports to duty every day with the intention of keeping us alive. So when we encounter negative experiences, it takes some creative liberties, makes some shit up and stores it all so it can help us survive or avoid similar experiences in the future. Kiiiind of makes sense if you think about the shit our ancestors back in 5000 BC were dealing with. Not so much for us today in our Lo-Fi instagram filter modern day society.
So when we have a thought, imagine a neuron in our brain fist bumps another neuron and then they become bullies together for the rest of your life reminding us of that negative thought. Brutal.
Let me explain with an EXAMPLE:
Negative Experience: No one asks you to the Sr. Prom
Neurons fist bump to the thought: "I'm not good enough" or "I'm not pretty enough."
Now not being good enough or pretty enough in life becomes a subconscious reality (your brain created a neural connection, AKA a fist bump) and shows up in every other place in your the most sneaky way possible. Like a latent f-ing virus. And then that virus has a freaking massive library and it keeps cataloguing every single minor detail that provides a shred of evidence to corroborate with the story it created. And then it Dewey fucking decimals the shit outta it until it's an absolute truth for you. NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS - IT'S TRUTH TO YOU! But isn't truth! All that is truth is that no one invited you to the prom.
So how do we destroy this massive self-hate, neuron bullying virus that has been sneakily implanted and also achieve the healthy body we're after?
G R A T I T U D E + L O V E + B E L I E F
Yep. Sounds so damn simple and airy fairy that you're probably like, wtf? I just wasted 30 second of my life. Give me that shit back.
But wait! Science has shown that the energetic state of your body while experiencing these emotions is transformative and can restructure the negative neural networks we previously talked about. Don't believe me? Grab some popcorn and Google neuroplasticity videos :-)
Or just continue reading about how you can gain some leverage...
Conscious Creation
Want to know how to transform it and achieve a healthy body? Here is your step-by-step guide:
1) Every single morning, express your GRATITUDE for the body you have. Love the body you have. Look at yourself in the mirror and know that the body you have serves you in this world. Lovingly glance at yourself the same way you stared at Leonardo DiCaprio when you were 16. Every single inch. Know that you are f-ing gorgeous. Fill your heart and your mind with nothing but the emotion of love. You won't be in a place to receive what you want if you can't be grateful for what you have.
2) Create an image of what you want to obtain for the long-term. What is your healthiest body according to you (and not according to any trashy airbrushed magazine or coming from a place of not enough)? When do you FEEL the most healthiest? Do you have a picture? Set it beside your currently beautiful self as if it was what you've already achieved. Print it out. Look at it every day.
3) Circle back to gratitude. Be in a state of gratitude and open to receiving. "I am so grateful for receiving my healthiest body."
4) Truly BELIEVE that the body you are receiving is absolutely your body. It doesn't matter what you previously thought. The body you're receiving is your identity. This includes choosing your language. You can no longer say, "I have fat thighs." You'll instead say, "I've love my beautiful thighs that support my body and in turn my life's work."
When you couple this love and gratitude for yourself with belief & word choices supporting your belief, then you've drank the antidote. Not only will you be on your way to achieving the healthy look that you feel best in, but you'll have a new level of self-love during every step of receiving it <3
PS, I am in no way an expert in self-love or by any means a doctor or professional around the topic. Nor am I attempting to offer any type of medical advice. I'm just a girl whose been through a lot, read a lot of books and felt it was time to offer my experiences and strategies.