"Finally a system that works for me and so many others! I have definitely indulged here and there over the summer but I have been able to maintain and not care about the scale because I feel good! I love this system and feel very blessed that I have found a solution that keeps me from heading in the wrong direction and my good days outweigh my bad days. A lifestyle that has taught me so much over that past year and a half. I want you to join me, I want you to feel awesome, I want you to take a chance. I want to give you the tools to be in charge of your body. Let's do this together. It's back to school for the kiddos and back to focusing on YOU! NOW IS YOUR TIME!"
Weight Loss: Marcos
"As a personal trainer and avid runner, I exercised a lot and was eating what I thought was in alignment with my health goals, but I just couldn't shed those last few pounds of fat. I also knew I didn't want to lose any of the muscle mass that I worked hard to build. So after watching several friends and a personal training client be successful with the program AND seeing that I could eat chocolate, I decided to do it. I've successfully lost 20+ pounds and everyone tells me I also lost 10+ years in age!"
Follow Marcos on instagram @marcos_de_marco and check out his website at http://www.marcosdemarco.com/
Energy & Performance: Teresa
"So here's my advice: Start now. Whatever it is you've been wanting to do, start now. There will never be a perfect time or a perfect path, and you will not be perfect along the way. EMBRACE the process and go to work on yourself. Be grateful for the struggle, the challenge, the discomfort, the messiness of all of it, for without it, you would not be nearly as proud of the person standing there at the end, and your results will be short lived. Truly, it is not HOW you become, it is WHO you become that matters. Not just for your sake, but for the sake of everyone else. Because transformed people transform the world."
Creating Healthy Habits: Vera
30 Day Before & After photos of me on a Nutritional Program.
A month ago I would have been powerless against the temptation of the pizza, fried chicken, soda, chips & cheesecake up for grabs in my office. Today, I passed it all up.
Why did I decide it was time to do a nutritional cleanse? Because I ripped up one of the photos I saw of myself on 4th of July with my muffin top hanging over my bikini bottom. I decided it was time to change my eating habits. Shout out to the best coach ever, Heather Richmond . Because of her support, I've never felt better, both inside & out!"
Weight Loss: Lauren
"It has been 1 year since I made some major decisions about my health. I never dreamt I would be feeling so good so soon but I was floored by the results. Last year I was feeling tired, moody and never saw results from my workouts. I dreaded having to run and having to do my abs. Fast forward to today and I'm loving my daily exercise routine, feel energized each day and have a positive outlook on life. I also love my clean eating and what's best!? So do my kids!! The 40lbs released represent the tremendous amount of pain I was holding onto in my life. Thankfully I have let go of so much negatively in my world and am feeling much lighter in every way imaginable. I'm a work in progress but I can tell you that this health choice was the start of such a great metamorphosis for me. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!"